You are currently browsing the monthly archive for November 2004.

From WND – Hey Hollywood left: Don’t let the door hit you in the asininity – Doug Powers

One of the best comparisons about how destructive culture can be to youth and adults:

    Then there are those actors who take part in some of the trash that passes for movies, make fortunes from them, and then voice disenchantment with our culture. This behavior is akin to dealing drugs: Peddle dope without worrying about the damage you might be doing, and pretty soon you can afford to move your family out of that nasty drug-infested neighborhood. After all, that’s no place to raise children.

    Madonna figured that out years ago. She spent the majority of her career as the Mecca for aspiring skanks and two-bit perverts everywhere, teaching our kids that nothing is sacred, anonymous sex is great, and cone bras on gay men are wonderful accessories. Then, after having her own kids, she moved to England to develop good manners and escape an immoral nation. Wisely, Madonna would take no part in raising her children in a country whose youth spent their formative years under the lewd tutelage of their own mother.

UPDATE: jan-24-2005

Actually British culture manages to be worse than the US quite often nowadays. They are doing their best to “catch up and take first place.”

From Mack – comment on Scrappleface:

I may yet write a book on how to spot a liberal. Ok, maybe a short essay. Liberals are eternally childish. Not to be confused with child like or innocent. Liberals sincerely believe that they are “special people.” They believe the world and all that is in it are there for the perpetual entertainment and gratification of the individual liberal. So the first warning sign of liberal-ness is the habit to throw tantrums when they don’t get what they want. It doesn’t matter how unreasonable the demand is, liberals want it all and they want it now.

This false sense self importance often leads the liberal to completely disregard anyone and anything that contradicts their feeling of being elite, intellectual, enlightened, or superior. Little things like reality, factual information, and common sense upset liberals because they can not explain them away. This causes them anger in that it challenges the liberal self image of greatness. They will attack and attempt to destroy anything that doesn’t feel good regardless of other consequences.

I think liberals have degenerated greatly over the years, in part, taken over by a very arrogant fringe, very tunnel vision of what supposedly are the crucial issues in society. There is a great disparity between what liberals define as the most important problems in society and reality (which comprises many more serious problems than liberals want to face). In many ways, they´ve lost seriousness and ethics, and gained this manipulative spoiled-brat self-pitying along with an exorbitant no-accontability self-righteousness and a very destructive, sleazy set of attitudes in the personal sphere.

Developments at Classical Values

Ironic that the “reality-based community” has chosen a sterotype (the moronic, hypocritical, bigot) to describe those with whom they disagree. This, of course, allows the RBC to create their own reality – one in which there are no good-faith disputes over policy or culture – and insolate their beliefs from any debate or empirical examination.

The RBC have already decided that anti-gay bigotry cost them this election. This will become the “Bush stole Florida” meme of 2004 – no matter how much evidence contradicts this “reality”, 4 years from now it will still be gospel for those who believe themselves to be influenced only by their superior understanding of the real world.

posted by: Daniel


Alessandra–>> This comment by Daniel that the RBC crowd does not allow for discussion or examination is particular acute in the universities. This is where most of the worst harm is done. Media is second.

For example, pro-homosexuals have equated anti-homosexuals with haters. This maligning trick has seeped in popular culture so much so, that we see anti-homosexuals and/or anti-gay marriage supporters having to state that they are not full of hate. As if they ever were.

This is exactly the same as equating people who are anti-pedophilia, anti-prostitution, anti-SM as full of hate. A bigoted and cheap tactic to malign people who have opposing viewpoints with some ad hominen attack label.

Fortunately, it seems slowly but surely many Americans are catching on that the slimy “label your viewpoint opponent as full of hate” tactic is nothing but the sign of bigot incapable of discussion.



Alessanda wrote here (on a man’s man’s blog):

“For example, pro-homosexuals have equated anti-homosexuals with haters.”

Anti-homosexuals are indeed motivated solely by hatred of the good for being the good, though some of them may be merely confused fellow-travelling dupes.

“This maligning trick has seeped in popular culture so much so, that we see anti-homosexuals and/or anti-gay marriage supporters having to state that they are not full of hate. As if they ever were.”

The truth is that they are and have always been motivated by hatred of the good for being the good.

“This is exactly the same as equating people who are anti-pedophilia,”

Equating homosexuals with child-rapers is a despicable lie.


Prostitution, while it should be legal, is not in the same moral category as the eternal faithful love (marriage) between two women or two men.

“anti-SM as full of hate.”

S&M is hate inverted into love, agony into ecstasy, which is indeed the leitmotif underlying all sexual passion, the sexual bond, the holy bond, bondage, of wedlock.

“A bigoted and cheap tactic to malign people who have opposing viewpoints with some ad hominen attack label.”

The favorite tactic of the anti-homosexual movement, e.g., the lie that homosexuals have an “agenda”, are irreligious, promiscuous, degenerate, out to corrupt children, linking them with Communists, etc.. These are all lies.

“Fortunately, it seems slowly but surely many Americans are catching on that the slimy “label your viewpoint opponent as full of hate” tactic is nothing but the sign of bigot incapable of discussion.”

I may very well be a “bigot” (dogmatist) incapable of discussion with the enemies of my freedom and values. I know that I am right, and that is good enough for me.

posted by: Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Elder)



Prostitution, while it should be legal, is not in the same moral category as the eternal faithful love (marriage) between two women or two men.

by Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Idiot)


The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association has recently disclosed: “Domestic violence is a hugely ignored health issue in the LGBT communities, affecting one in three LGBT relationships.”

Cato the Idiot above calls this love. Cato the Idiot is obviously too steeped in denial about how violent GLBTs are to have a clue. People who are too irresponsible to face mass violence problems (such as 1 in 3 violent GBLT relationships) are not fit to opine on such issues, much less serve office, school, parish, military, etc.

Prostitution, either legal or illegal, accounts for the destruction of millions of lives of children, adolescents and adults around the world. People like Cato the Idiot are too dehumanized to care or know. The only thing their small minds can muster is that people who are not ignorant, self-serving pro-homosexuals like them are full of hate.

Cato the Idiot, and the throngs of idiots like him, are not full of hate, they are full of joy and comfort with the destruction of so many human lives, and shoving sexual violence and denigration wherever they go, covering it up with a veneer little speech about freedom.

posted by: Alessandra on 11.07.04 at 11:10 PM [permalink]



“This is exactly the same as equating people who are anti-pedophilia,”

Equating homosexuals with child-rapers is a despicable lie.

by Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Idiot)


First, homosexuals were not being equated to pedophiles. ( As two asides, second, not all pedophiles end up raping children. Third, a number of pedophiles are not straight, guess what that makes them?)

Pedophilia, homosexuality, prostitution, SM are all examples of sexuality problems and having a critical viewpoint towards any or all these issues (and all other sexuality problems we have in the world) does not equate anyone to being full of hate.

That is only a maligning tactic of slimy, ignorant pro-homosexuals.

posted by: Alessandra on 11.07.04 at 11:23 PM [permalink]



I may very well be a “bigot” (dogmatist) incapable of discussion with the enemies of my freedom and values. I know that I am right, and that is good enough for me.

by Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Idiot)


“When men are most sure and arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without that proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities”

David Hume (Scottish philosopher, historian, economist and essayist)

posted by: Alessandra on 11.07.04 at 11:46 PM [permalink]

And who would have thought…

I´ll pay his plane ticket to Falluja, the middle of shark infested Caribbean ocean and a few other places.

One less pro-sexual violence, pro-homo, pro-SM piece of crap on Earth. Time to go, Larry, now!

And I´d never thought I´d see this. One of the ugliest liberal MSM publications got kicked where they deserved in these elections. At Salon, they are foaming. some replies at the bottom.

    I am sick to my stomach, literally sick. I hate this man, this president. And what I hate most of all, I suppose, is that I am sharing a country with nearly 60 million people who look at this disaster of an administration, and think it’s a good thing. Us intellectual liberal types aren’t supposed to say it, but let’s pretend I’m Ann Coulter for the left: How fucking stupid are those people? And why in God’s name should I, and my children, be punished because they’re so fucking stupid?

    You know what you Republicans can do with your smirking, snide, Schadenfreude calls for “reaching out” and “working together”? You can shove ’em where the sun don’t shine. You beat us, battered us, abused us, lied, cheated, stole, and now you want us to play fair and nicey-nice? Well, forget it. We didn’t declare this culture war, baby, but we’re sure going to finish it.

    I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I’m not backing away from the ledge any time soon.

    — Doug Moran

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, we need to reach out to hicks, blah, blah, blah.

    Again, television media made a mockery of our national discourse and we’re all blaming ourselves. Swift Boat liars needed only a $100K media buy to reach full-country saturation with the help of our television news. Ad campaigns featuring grieving mothers were ignored. Lying liars lied again and again while television “journalists” stared off into space. If a significant percentage of Bush voters believed things which were demonstrably untrue, our media had the obligation to set them straight. Of course, our media not only allowed the misinformation, but cultivated it.

    As long as pampered, powdered, 401K’d millionaires run our political discourse on television, our political system will continue to be broken.

    — Bill Batten

    I’m angry, mad, disappointed, etc., etc., etc. But here is the upside as I see it: The vacuous, simplistic, thimble-deep “majority” that reelected this trained monkey and his henchmen/corporate backers, ah, I mean “administration,” will get what they deserve, free and clear. Let the body bags keep rolling from the Middle East, let health care get hollowed out, let the evisceration of the middle class roll on unabated, let civil liberties get erased in name of “moral values,” whatever the fuck that is. But at least it will be clear four years from now who is responsible — no blaming Democrats who are “weak on defense,” who lack “the courage of their convictions.”

    Enjoy the honeymoon, America. Reap what you’ve sown.

    — Doug Hopkins

    It is easy to feel the angst and anger of half a nation. It is one more crisis for an already loaded psyche the progressive American must face. Crisis means a call for change. Kerry is a candy-ass for not demanding it. Instead of conceding with a polite whimper, why not express some outrage? He’s talking to Bush about unification when the nation is really anything but unified. He could have been a great catalyst for a grieving nation. Must the Republicans have all the alpha males?

    — Michael Taluc

    The Democrats have Springsteen, the Republicans have the boss.

    — John Bonaccorsi

Some replies to the above:

“You beat us, battered us, abused us, lied, cheated, stole, and now you want us to play fair and nicey-nice? Well, forget it. We didn’t declare this culture war, baby, but we’re sure going to finish it.”

You´ve been shoving your violence, aggression, disrespect, sleaziness on us and now you´re complaining? You didn´t declare the culture war, you created it. And the rest of us are no sitting ducks.


“Let the body bags keep rolling from the Middle East, let health care get hollowed out, let the evisceration of the middle class roll on unabated, let civil liberties get erased in name of “moral values,” whatever the fuck that is. ”

You´re too ignorant and too much of a liberal lacking in morals or values to know why people don´t like to live in a violent, sleazy liberal society, this will be a chance to diminish your ignorance.


“Must the Republicans have all the alpha males?”

Actually, Dems have an alpha male. You got a slimy, stink of an alpha male, remember? From Arkansas. Doesn´t that tell you that something is wrong with liberals?

And, do not forget, you have all the pink males. The ones that are too dysfunctional to even be males, and who control your neck-collar, sometimes costing you an election. And on the subject, couldn´t we say the SF mayor is another one of your alpha-lite males ?

From AP

    Wolfe said the idea of a college novel interested him because it’s never been explored from the student’s point of view, and because college has replaced the church as a moral touchstone.

    These ideas came out muddled, as though he wasn’t quite sure why he wrote the book. He spoke of college as being a breeding ground for political-correctness, but it can sometimes be a thin veil for the hedonism that goes on at schools.

    Wolfe is no stranger to campus life. The Richmond, Va., native is the grandson of a Confederate rifleman – his family’s Virginia ties, on the paternal side, date back to 1710. He attended Washington and Lee University before earning a doctorate in American studies at Yale. He was even in a fraternity.

    “The drinking is neither more nor less now. There is the addition of cocaine, a little bit of ecstasy, but I wouldn’t say these things really play any major part on campuses,” he says.

    The heroine of the new, 675-page novel is 18-year-old Charlotte Simmons, the pertinacious prodigy of a tiny mountain town in North Carolina who gets a full ride to the venerable Dupont. Charlotte is unbelievably naive, and the novel chronicles her education to the world of college. Once rigid and “moral” in a traditional sense, she matriculates to the world of sex, drinking and materialism as she deals with a frat guy, a jock and a caustic, emaciated roommate.

    “Tom’s work creates discussion in the literary world, but more important in the world of readers,” said Jeff Seroy, senior vice president of marketing at the publishing house.

    Fellow writer Gay Talese, whom Wolfe credits for starting New Journalism, said his work is important to both fiction and nonfiction because he is not afraid to take risks.

    “I can tell you he is a very contrarian observer and a courageous writer and that is why he is read,” Talese said. “He wasn’t political in terms of offending people; whether he wrote about the Black Panthers, or the editor of the New Yorker. If there was a subject that today would be politically incorrect to write about, Wolfe would write about them.”

    Talese hasn’t read “Charlotte Simmons” yet. So far, critics have not been kind and the book has debuted to mostly negative reviews. A Los Angeles Times review said, “His characters are burdened, often to the point of capsizing, by his stereotypes.” The New York Times echoed a similar theme, and said, “He gives us some tiresomely generic if hyperbolic glimpses of student life.”


    “I don’t think anyone is immune to that. It doesn’t mean you’re maniacal about moving up, like I am,” he quips. “Preserving the status that you have is really important.”

    It’s easy to be lulled by Wolfe and his smooth, slight Southern drawl. Friends say his dress and persona are the real thing. But don’t be fooled: It is a red herring. This author is a Cheshire cat. He is ruthless and has an opinionated, caustic tongue, known for trashing contemporaries John Updike and Norman Mailer for being too self-indulgent. He wrote scathing articles about The New Yorker years ago and editors and the magazine would not comment on him for this story.

    “Fiction is dying,” Wolfe says. “There’s just not the kind of work being done that should. I can enjoy Herman Hesse and (Franz) Kafka, they are writers of fables. But I don’t consider that to be the optimal form of writing.”

I hope this novel addresses how diseased and violent liberal culture and sexuality is. It´s what we need in terms of education, that universities (and many public schools) are profoundly failing their students.


    Weekend Edition -November 6 / 7, 2004

    Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You

    Lessons They Won’t Learn from November 2: a Word from Nader; a Last Look at Kerry and Michael Moore

Smart and with understanding, what the left often lacks.

(Read Article from previous post “Deep Red/Blue divisions unlikely to heal soon” first – this is the ending:)

Can the differences be bridged? This might be one area in which all sides agree.

Not likely, they say.

Views so deeply rooted in moral doctrine — however a person chooses to interpret “moral” — aren’t likely to change. But Americans suggest they and the nation’s leaders could do more to forge at least some understanding — a way to live together in a society of opposing convictions.

“Learn to accept people the way they are, not how you would like them to be,” says Santa McKenna, a Cuban-American hairdresser in Florida.

“Be more substantive in what we say … rather than attacking people personally,” says Jerry Folk, a Lutheran minister in Wisconsin.

“The president could do something magnanimous, like naming a Democrat to his cabinet,” suggests Larry Gore, a Bush supporter in Pennsylvania.

“Find a sense of community that goes beyond my needs, my wants … that draws the lines of community very broadly, so ultimately there is no ‘them,’” says V. Gene Robinson, the nation’s first openly gay Episcopal bishop whose election itself caused great division among churchgoers.


“Find a sense of community that goes beyond my needs, my wants” – this from the homo Gene Robinson that made the Episcopal Church fracture and who destroyed the Episcopal community thanks to his egostistical homosexual needs, his sexual wants.

We do not want to be gay dittoheads, with a blurry sense of life, with no responsability, a particularly lewd, violent, sorry culture. We would like to draw the lines elsewhere, and anyone is welcome to join if they let go of their dysfunctional sexuality and culture.

Excellent article (though could be even better) – Deep divisions unlikely to heal soon By PAULINE ARRILLAGA The Associated Press

    CAMPAIGN 2004

    The map showed a sea of red with islands and shoals of blue. Election Day 2004 revealed two Americas — deep differences dividing the 55 million citizens who cast their votes for John Kerry, and the 59 million who just as passionately selected George W. Bush.

    The gulf is much greater than questions of what to do in Iraq or how to improve the economy. So great that a wife who voted for Kerry slept at her office rather than home with a husband who celebrated Bush’s win. So great that friends canceled a postelection coffee klatch because they couldn’t sit at the same table and hear each others’ opinions.


    Blues don’t simply disagree with reds, and vice versa. Increasingly, it seems, each side sees the other as just plain wrong. Not like us. Impossible to be around. They use words like “scary” to describe one another’s vision of tomorrow.

    The candidates each talk of healing now, of the need to bridge the divides that separate Americans. But how, if compromise would mean moral surrender? Where do we begin, if we can hardly stand to look at each other?

    “This has been way too hard-fought a campaign for us immediately to begin hugging,” says the Rev. Welton Gaddy, a Baptist minister and president of the left-leaning Interfaith Alliance.

    “There are huge rifts. It’s raw emotions, anger, disappointment. It’s far more than red and blue states.”


    “How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?” screamed the day-after headline of one liberal British newspaper.

    At a bar in Cleveland, tax clerk Bob O’Malley ponders the same question. A Kerry-Edwards button still clipped to his shirt, he bemoans what he sees as the takeover of America by “far right-wing evangelists.”

    “I think we’re a country of morons,” he grumbles. “We’re more worried about two guys getting it on together than we are about losing our jobs. We’ve lost more jobs here in Ohio than any other state in the nation. And yet Ohio voted for Bush!


It makes you feel really out of the swing of things when it is on Nov 7th the first time you even hear this RBC label.

From Classical Values – Eric


    Slightly more than half of the citizens of this country simply do not care about what those of us in the “reality-based community” say or believe about anything.

    — Eric Alterman

    Only slightly more than half? How many Americans have ever heard the expression “reality-based community” — much less know what it means? I’d say the figure is considerably more than half.

    Might even be 90%…..

    Regular readers know how much I loathe labels, slogans and code-language. Perfectly good words are borrowed by various sorts of ideologues (left and right), with the result being that it’s tougher and tougher to use once-ordinary words. “Family” is a perfect example which I have discussed before. A couple of years ago, some people started using the word “bright.” “Choice” is another one. (Don’t get me started on the word “values……”) When this happens, my only resort is to tear out my hair (which is thinning, so I’d rather not), or complain to anyone who’ll listen.

    The latest example of this phraseology (“REALITY BASED COMMUNITY”) abounds in leftish circles of the blogosphere, and it involves the use of the word “reality” to denote opposition to Bush, opposition to the war in Iraq, and opposition to religious influences on policy making.

and some of the best comments:

I reckon that “reality-based community” is meant to be the antonym of “faith-based community”, Bush having introduced some various initiatives regarding the former. Although the connection to the argument about who defines reality is apposite as well.

posted by: Sean Stickle


Actually, it’s just another collection of phonemes that mean “We’re right and everyone else is wrong and stupid.”

It’s a sentiment as old as history.

posted by: Ian Wood


Aren’t these the same people who used to assert that reality is a crutch for people who can’t face drugs?

posted by: triticale


Ironic that the “reality-based community” has chosen a sterotype (the moronic, hypocritical, bigot) to describe those with whom they disagree. This, of course, allows the RBC to create their own reality – one in which there are no good-faith disputes over policy or culture – and insolate their beliefs from any debate or empirical examination.

The RBC have already decided that anti-gay bigotry cost them this election. This will become the “Bush stole Florida” meme of 2004 – no matter how much evidence contradicts this “reality”, 4 years from now it will still be gospel for those who believe themselves to be influenced only by their superior understanding of the real world.

posted by: Daniel


Alessandra–>> This comment by Daniel that the RBC crowd does not allow for discussion or examination is particularly acute in the universities. This is where most of the worst harm is done. Media is second.

For example, pro-homosexuals have equated anti-homosexuals with haters. This maligning trick has seeped in popular culture so much so, that we see anti-homosexuals and/or anti-gay marriage supporters having to state that they are not full of hate. As if they ever were.

This is exactly the same as equating people who are anti-pedophilia, anti-prostitution, anti-SM as full of hate. A bigoted and cheap tactic to malign people who have opposing viewpoints with some ad hominen attack label.

Fortunately, it seems slowly but surely many Americans are catching on that the slimy “label your viewpoint opponent as full of hate” tactic is nothing but the sign of a bigot incapable of discussion.

From the Washington Times

    “The party just has to have a better message and a new set of messengers and strengthen the grass-roots operation that we built this year,” he said. “The next target, the next focus of politics has to be stopping the Bush agenda and making the Bush agenda an issue in the congressional elections.” Roger Hickey, co-director of Campaign for America’s Future, a liberal grass-roots advocacy organization.

A new flurry of comments/articles has emerged after the big loss. The Dems hate the mass of middle America reds, they think they are stupid, supersticious faith-based simpleheads. They differ on fundamental positions. However, in order to be majority and have more political clout, they (the Dems) need the red votes (the people they so despise). So, they seem now, after the big loss, to be scrambling to figure out a way in the next elections to couch their political campaign messages in words that will trick the reds in voting for a party that does not stand for their issues.

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